MISIN Learn Badges
Leader Board Course Level Up Watch List HabitEarn over 130 individual badges! The purpose of our badges is to provide you with a engaging way of developing expertise in the identification of invasive species. We have created the badges listed below to promote your learning journey and give you a way to highlight your new knowledge!
Course Badges (100)
Each of the courses available on the MISIN Learn site will award you a completion badge after successfully completing the associated quiz with a minimum grade of 80%. These badges are designed to highlight your successful completion of each course.
Level Up Badges (10)
LEVEL UP! The Species Training series of badges are comprised of 10 randomly selected
species training courses each. Designed to ensure that you complete all the species training courses. We are
sure that you will want to collect all the badges!
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 1 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 2 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 3 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 4 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 5 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 6 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 7 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 8 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Level 9 Species Training Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Watch List Badges (3)
The Watch List series of badges are designed to progress you though a collection of courses highlighting high threat invasive
species. Each badge represents a collection of courses that will provide you with a well-rounded view of the
types of species currently posing the greatest threat.
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Watch List Certified Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Watch List Expert Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Species Habit Badges (18)
The Species Habit series of badges recognize your learning efforts within the various habit categories. Giving
you a way to show your expertise with Aquatics, Insects, Mollusks for example. Become an invasive Shrub
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Aquatic Plant Certified Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Herbaceous Plant Certified Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Herbaceous Plant Expert Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Fish Certified Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: Fish Expert Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |
Prerequisite: None Criteria: Complete the following courses with a passing grade: |