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Hibiscus or Mallow Family. Comprised of about 243 genera and at least 4,225 species of herbs, shrubs and trees. A number of species are considered economically important. Members of this family usually have large flowers with five unjoined petals, stamens and divided style protruding from the center of the flower, and a calyx of five parts with another false calyx below it.
Entry link: Malvaceae


Pepperwort or Water-clover Family. Comprised of 3 genera and about 70 species of small aquatic ferns that root in mud or grow in shallow water. Members of this family are characterized by spore-bearing structures (sporangia) in hard cases (sporocarps) that are produced at or beneath ground level at the bases of the leaves.

Entry link: Marsileaceae


Buckbean Family. Comprised of 5 genera and 40 species of aquatic or marsh herbs that are native to temperate areas of the world. Members of this family often spread vegetatively by creeping underwater rhizomes (stems) and bear floating or emergent leaves.

Entry link: Menyanthaceae


Midwest Invasive Species Information Network

Entry link: MISIN


Banana Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 50 species native to Africa, Asia and Australia. Members of this family usually have a pseudostem formed from the leaf sheaths, very large leaves, leaves with a thick midrib and parallel veins, separate male and female flowers on the same plant, flowers and fruit in dense bunches, and a fleshy fruit with several hard stony seeds.
Entry link: Musaceae


Marine Mussel Family. Comprised of 54 genera and about 412 species of small to large marine and brackish-water bivalve mollusks.

Entry link: Mytilidae