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Catfish Family. Includes wels and glass catfishes. Comprised of 11 genera and about 170 species that occur across much of Europe and Asia. Characterized by a compressed body; adipose fin is lacking, an anal fin is very long and a short dorsal fin (often lacking) without a spine. 

Entry link: Siluridae


Quassia Family. Comprised of 25 genera of pantropical trees. Members have leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of a number of leaflets arranged along an axis.

Entry link: Simaroubaceae


In reference to a leaf, not compound.
Entry link: Simple


Nightshade or Potato Family. Comprised of 102 genera and about 2,280 species, many of considerable economic importance as food and drug plants. Members are annual, biennial or perennial and are usually herbs, though some species grow as shrubs or small trees. Members of this family usually have regular flowers with five petals, alternate leaves, five stamens attached to the corolla tube, and a superior ovary containing many yellowish disc-shaped seeds.
Entry link: Solanaceae


An elongate inflorescence with sessile or barely stalked flowers arising from a central stalk.
Entry link: Spike


Sac-like structures which store spores.

Entry link: Sporangia


A small, usually single-celled reproductive body that is produced by non-flowering organisms including ferns and fungi.
Entry link: Spore


A specialized structure in aquatic ferns whose primary function is the production and release of spores.

Entry link: Sporocarp


The male organ of a flower.
Entry link: Stamen


The plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal end, roots
Entry link: Stem

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