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A spike-like inflorescence, with stalked flowers arising from a central axis.
Entry link: Raceme

Radial Symmetry

Having similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis.
Entry link: Radial Symmetry


Buttercup Family. Comprised of 62 genera and about 2,252 species. Members of this family are mostly herbs and usually have five coloured sepals instead of petals (except Buttercups), divided leaves, and non-woody tissue (except Clematis).
Entry link: Ranunculaceae


A segmented flexible support element of the fins, often branched at the tip; a cartilaginous fish that is flatten dorsoventrally and usually has a whip-like tail.
Entry link: Ray


Curved backward.
Entry link: Recurved


Buckthorn Family. Comprised of 52 genera and 950 species of shrubs and trees.

Entry link: Rhamnaceae


A creeping stem that grows underground.
Entry link: Rhizome

Root Crown

Area where the major roots meet the trunk or stem of a plant.
Entry link: Root Crown

Root Sucker

A shoot that arises from a root.
Entry link: Root Sucker


Rose Family. COmprised of more than 90 genera and about 2,500 species. Many are of economic importance as food crops and ornamentals. Generally woody plants that are mostly shrubs or small to medium-size trees. Most are armed with thorns, spines or prickles to discourage herbivores. Members of this family usually have woody stems, often with prickles, or trailing stems with runners; simple or compound leaves, often evergreen, stipules at the base of the leaf, large flowers with five petals or clusters of tiny flowers with five petals, and many stamens.
Entry link: Rosaceae

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