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C |
ConvolvulaceaeBindweed or Morning Glory Family. Comprised of 59 genera and about 1,600 species that are widespread in both tropical and temperate areas and cultivated for their colorful, funnel-shaped flowers. Most are twinning and erect herbs, with a few woody vines, trees and shrubs. Members of this family usually have trumpet-shaped flowers with five fused petals, five stamens fused to the base of the trumpet, simple leaves growing alternately up the stem, and a superior ovary. | |
CrawlerThe active stage of an insect immediately after egg hatch (first instar) found among certain insects in the order Hemiptera. | |
CyperaceaeSedge Family. Comprised of 70-115 genera and about 5,000 species of grasslike, herbaceous plants. Member of this family have fibrous roots, triangular stems and three-ranked, linear leaves. Many species are annuals, especially those of weedy or seasonal habits. | |