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Smooth, without hairs.
Entry link: Glabrous


Having glands.
Entry link: Glandular


Covered with a whitish, fine, waxy powder that rubs off.
Entry link: Glaucaus


Goby family. Comprised of more than 200 genera and 2,200 species. They are small, bony, carnivorous and primarily live in marine habitats.

Entry link: Gobiidae



Water Milfoil Family. Comprised of 8 genera and 145 species of land, marsh, and water herbs with small leaves and small flower clusters. Flowers are usually unisexual, wind-pollinated, with three- to four- chambered ovary and a similar number of styles.

Entry link: Haloragaceae


The dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber.
Entry link: Heartwood


Referring to a plant, with the stems dying back to the ground at the end of the season.
Entry link: Herbaceous


Organism that is being attacked by a parasite or a parasitoid.
Entry link: Host


Mud Snail Family. Comprised of over 260 species of very small, freshwater and brackish water snails with an operculum. Members of this family have a shell height of less than 8mm, are dextrally-coiled and smooth.

Entry link: Hydrobiidae


Frog's-bit or Tape-grass Family. Comprised of 18 genera and about 135 species of submerged and emergent freshwater and saltwater aquatic herbs. They are generally dioecious and produce radially symmetrical flowers.

Entry link: Hydrocharitaceae

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