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Referring to an aquatic plant that extends above the water's surface.
Entry link: Emergent


Without teeth, as in a leaf margin.
Entry link: Entire


Heath Family. Comprised of 126 genera and about 4,000 species of shrubs and small trees. Many species are cultivated and thrive in open, barren land with acidic, poorly drained soils. Members of this family usually have woody stems, simple evergreen leaves growing alternately, clusters of flowers, flowers with 4 or 5 petals forming a tube or trumpet, stamens not attached to the flower tube.
Entry link: Ericaceae



(formerly Leguminosae) Pea Family. Comprised of more than 700 genera and about 20,000 species of trees, shrubs, vines and herbs. It is the third largest plant family behind Orchidaceae and Asteraceae.
Entry link: Fabaceae


Containing fibers.
Entry link: Fibrous


Either of the two front wings of a four-winged insect.
Entry link: Forewing


Breaking into smaller pieces; production of a new individual from a piece of the original plant.
Entry link: Fragmentation


Lanternfly Family. Comprised of about 143 genera and 716 species of brilliantly colored, moderate to large sized insects. Some members of this family are characterized by a hollow projection on their head which resembles a snout. It is sometimes inflated, nearly as long as the body, long and upturned.

Entry link: Fulgoridae



Geranium Family. Comprised of 7 genera and about 800 species. They are typically herbs with spiral or opposite leaves and used in the production of essential oils and cultivated ornamentals. Members of this family can be annual or perennial, usually have blue, mauve, red, pink or white (not yellow) flowers with five petals, and a beaked seed capsule.
Entry link: Geraniaceae


African Violet Family. Comprised of 147 genera and about 3,200 species of mostly tropical and subtropical herbaceous or slightly woody plants. Many of which are of economic importance as horticultural ornamentals. Members of this family usually have underground fibrous roots, tubers or scaly rhizomes, irregular flowers with five sepals and five petals, and produce many small seeds in a capsule.
Entry link: Gesneriaceae

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