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B |
Betulaceae | |
BiennialRefers to plants that need two years to complete their life cycle. | |
BignoniaceaeTrumpet Creeper or Catalpa Family. Comprised of about 110 genera and more than 800 species of trees, shrubs and, most commonly, vines. Members of this family usually have bright trumpet-shaped flowers in clusters, four stamens, a superior seed capsule containing flat winged seeds, no stipules and are mostly tropical woody climbers. | |
BladeA leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole. | |
BlotchPigmented spot with an indistinct outline or shape. | |
BoraginaceaeBorage or Forget-me-Not Family. Comprised of 148 genera and more than 2,700 species. Frequently herbaceous and hairy and can be annuals or perennials. Members of this family usually have blue flowers in a coiled inflorescence, hairy stems and leaves, no stipules, and produces four seeds. | |
BractA specialized leaf-like structure, from which a flower or flower stalk grows; some may be very small. | |
Brassicaceae(formerly Cruciferae) Mustard Family. Comprised of 338 genera and about 3,700 species of major economic importance. They are usually herbs and can be annuals, biennials, or perennials. Members of this family usually have four petalled flowers in a cross shape, clusters of flowers, and a papery membrane dividing a two-chambered seed capsule. | |
ButomaceaeFlowering Rush Family. Comprised of just one species, Butomus umbellatus. It is native to Europe and Asia and has become naturalized in temperate North America. | |
C |
CabombacaeaWater Shield Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 6 species of aquatic, herbaceous plants that live in still or slow-moving waters of temperate and tropical North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. | |