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Pickerelweed or Water Hyacinth Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 40 species of mostly perennial, aquatic plants. Members of this family have creeping rootstocks, fibrous roots and leaves in clusters at the base of the plant or borne on branched stems.

Entry link: Pontederiaceae


Pondweed Family. Comprised of 6 genera and about 110 species of aquatic, monocotyledonous flowering plants. Members of this family develop submerged or floating leaves but frequently have emergent flowering shoots.

Entry link: Potamogetonaceae


Primrose Family. Comprised of 58 genera and about 2,600 species. They are mostly grown as ornamentals and include annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, lianas and trees. Members of this family usually have winter storage organs, five petals joined in a tube, five stamens joined to the tube opposite the petals, calyx of five parts joined in a tube, undivided leaves, and a seed pod with one chamber forming inside the calyx.
Entry link: Primulaceae


Description of plants with hair-like growth, commonly found on stems and leaves. These hairs often provide protection against herbivores.
Entry link: Pubescent



A spike-like inflorescence, with stalked flowers arising from a central axis.
Entry link: Raceme

Radial Symmetry

Having similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis.
Entry link: Radial Symmetry


Buttercup Family. Comprised of 62 genera and about 2,252 species. Members of this family are mostly herbs and usually have five coloured sepals instead of petals (except Buttercups), divided leaves, and non-woody tissue (except Clematis).
Entry link: Ranunculaceae


A segmented flexible support element of the fins, often branched at the tip; a cartilaginous fish that is flatten dorsoventrally and usually has a whip-like tail.
Entry link: Ray


Curved backward.
Entry link: Recurved


Buckthorn Family. Comprised of 52 genera and 950 species of shrubs and trees.

Entry link: Rhamnaceae

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