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P |
PetioleThe stalk portion of a leaf. | |
PhyllaryAn involucral bract of flowers in the family Asteraceae. | |
PinnateArranged in two rows along an axil, like barbs on a feather. | |
PistilThe female organ of the flower, composed of an ovary, style and stigma. | |
PithThe central tissue in a stem or root, surrounded by vascular tissue. | |
Plumbaginaceae | |
Poaceae(formerly Gramineae) Grass Family. Comprised of about 800 genera and 12,000 species. It is the world's single most important source of food and rank among the top five families of flowering plants in terms of species numbers. They account for 24% of the Earth's vegetation. | |
PolemoniaceaePhlox Family. Comprised of 18 genera and about 385 species. They are annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants but some are woody. Members of this family usually have five joined petals, five stamens, a calyx made of five parts joined into a tube, alternate or opposite leaves, a seed pod with three chambers forming inside the flower and sticky seeds. | |
PolygonaceaeSmartweed or Buckwheat Family. Comprised of 48 genera and about 1,200 species. Most are perennial, herbaceous plants with swollen nodes but trees, shrubs and vines are also present. Leaves are simple and arranged alternately on the stems. | |