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M |
MISINMidwest Invasive Species Information Network | |
MytilidaeMarine Mussel Family. Comprised of 54 genera and about 412 species of small to large marine and brackish-water bivalve mollusks. | |
N |
Najadaceae | |
NymphSexually immature form usually similar to the adult and found in such insects as grasshoppers and cockroaches, which have incomplete, or hemimetabolic, metamorphosis. | |
O |
OblongLonger than wide, with parallel sides, but broad, rather than narrow. | |
Ocrea | |
OleaceaeOlive Family. Comprised of 24 genera and about 615 species of woody trees or shrubs. Members of this family have four sepals, four petals, two stamens, and two fused carpets that form a single superior ovary. Many are cultivated for their beautiful and fragrant flowers. | |
OppositeSituated directly across from; as in leaves or branches at the same node. | |
OrbicularCircular in outline. | |