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Figwort Family. Comprised of about 65 genera and 1,700 species. Most are herbaceous, with a few shrubs and climbers and some are semi-parasitic. There are no crop plants of economic importance but is notable for many ornamental garden plants. Members of this family usually have opposite or alternate leaves, flowers in spikes, and irregular flowers with four or five petals.
Entry link: Scrophulariaceae


One of the divisions of the corona, the ring of structures surrounding the petals.
Entry link: Sepal


With sharp, forward pointing teeth.
Entry link: Serrate


Without a stalk.
Entry link: Sessile


Plant part that wraps around another plant part.
Entry link: Sheath


A woody plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground.

Entry link: Shrub


Elongated seed pod.
Entry link: Silique


Catfish Family. Includes wels and glass catfishes. Comprised of 11 genera and about 170 species that occur across much of Europe and Asia. Characterized by a compressed body; adipose fin is lacking, an anal fin is very long and a short dorsal fin (often lacking) without a spine. 

Entry link: Siluridae


Quassia Family. Comprised of 25 genera of pantropical trees. Members have leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of a number of leaflets arranged along an axis.

Entry link: Simaroubaceae


In reference to a leaf, not compound.
Entry link: Simple

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