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R |
RhizomeA creeping stem that grows underground. | |
Root CrownArea where the major roots meet the trunk or stem of a plant. | |
Root SuckerA shoot that arises from a root. | |
RosaceaeRose Family. COmprised of more than 90 genera and about 2,500 species. Many are of economic importance as food crops and ornamentals. Generally woody plants that are mostly shrubs or small to medium-size trees. Most are armed with thorns, spines or prickles to discourage herbivores. Members of this family usually have woody stems, often with prickles, or trailing stems with runners; simple or compound leaves, often evergreen, stipules at the base of the leaf, large flowers with five petals or clusters of tiny flowers with five petals, and many stamens. | |
RosetteA cluster of leaves or other plant parts arranged in a circle, often at the base. | |
RubiaceaeBedstraw or Madder Family. Comprised of 611 genera and more than 13,150 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees. Several species are of economic important as sources of useful chemicals and many are cultivated as ornamentals. Members of this family usually have many small flowers in dense clustered heads, leaves opposite or in whorls, stipules and an inferior ovary. | |
RunnerA long, creeping stem, that roots at its tips and nodes. | |
S |
SalviniaceaeFloating Fern Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 16 species of floating aquatic plants. Members of this family usually have relatively short stems that appear dichotomously branched, sometimes lacking roots with leaves that are either alternate and 2-lobed with 1 lobe green and floating and the other submerged and white or translucent or in whorls of 3 with 2 leaves unlobed and floating and the 3rd submerged. | |
SaxifragaceaeSaxifrage Family. Comprised of 36 genera and about 600 species of mostly perennial, herbaceous plants. Members of this family usually have opposite or alternate leaves, flowers with five unjoined petals, twice as many stamens as petals, and a small seed capsule containing many small seeds. | |
ScaleEach of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another. | |