Sunday, 9 February 2025, 9:24 AM
Site: MISIN Learn
Course: MISIN Learn (MISIN Learn)
Glossary: Glossary
Baby's Breathe |
BalsaminaceaeTouch-me-not Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 1,000 species of fleshy herbaceous plants that have toothed leaves and spurred flowers. The flowering plants may be annual or perennial. |
BasalAt the base or ground level. |
BerberidaceaeBarberry Family. Comprised of 14 genera and about 701 species of perennial herbs and shrubs. Many of the shrubs have spines or spiny-margined leaves and flowers are highly variable. |
Betulaceae |
BiennialRefers to plants that need two years to complete their life cycle. |
BignoniaceaeTrumpet Creeper or Catalpa Family. Comprised of about 110 genera and more than 800 species of trees, shrubs and, most commonly, vines. Members of this family usually have bright trumpet-shaped flowers in clusters, four stamens, a superior seed capsule containing flat winged seeds, no stipules and are mostly tropical woody climbers. |
BladeA leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole. |
BlotchPigmented spot with an indistinct outline or shape. |
BoraginaceaeBorage or Forget-me-Not Family. Comprised of 148 genera and more than 2,700 species. Frequently herbaceous and hairy and can be annuals or perennials. Members of this family usually have blue flowers in a coiled inflorescence, hairy stems and leaves, no stipules, and produces four seeds. |