Aceraceae(Sapindaceae) Maple Family. Comprised of 2-4 genera and about 120 species. Species include trees, shrubs, lianas or herbaceous vines with simple, palmate, trifoliolate, or pinnate leaves. |
AdelgidaePine or Spruce Aphid Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 22 species that are native to the northern hemisphere. Member of this family are covered with a dense woolly wax and only lay eggs. |
AllelopathicSuppressing growth of a potential plant competitor by the release of toxic or inhibiting substances. |
AmaranthaceaeAmaranth Family. Comprised of about 175 genera and more than 2,500 species, mostly herbs and subshrubs. Members of this family can be annuals or perennials and commonly grow in saline soils. Characterized simple leaves and the presence of betalain pigment which causes the stems, roots, leaves or flowers of many species to be red in color. |
AnnualRefers to plants that complete their life cycle within one year. |
AntennaePaired sensory organs originating on the insect head. |
AnteriorTo the front. |
Apiaceae(formerly Umbelliferae) Carrot, Celery or Parsley Family. Comprised of about 434 genera and nearly 3,780 species of aromatic herbs. Members of this family usually have hollow stems, small flowers in umbels, flowers with five petals, and white, yellow or pink (not blue) flowers. |
ApocynaceaeDogbane Family. Comprised of 400 genera and about 4,555 species of trees, shrubs, woody vines and herbs. Members of this family usually have simple leaves, milky sap, a five part calyx, clusters of flowers, five large petals joined at the base and five stamens. |
AquaticGrowing in water. |
AraceaeArum Family. Comprised of 140 genera and about 4,075 species. Members of this family are characterized by flowers that are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe (leaf-like bract). |
ArilFleshy seed cover. |
Asclepiadaceae(now known as Asclepiadoideae) Milkweed Subfamily. Comprised of more than 214 genera and about 2,400 species of tropical herbs or shrubby climbers, rarely shrubs or trees. Members of this family have milky sap, flowers with five united petals, pod like fruit, and, usually, tufted seeds. |
Asteraceae(formerly Compositae) Aster, Daisy or Composite Family. Comprised of more than 1,620 genera and 23,600 species of herbs, shrubs and trees. It is considered the largest plant family. Members of this family usually have daisy-type flowers and are not big trees or aquatic. |
AwnA bristlelike appendage of a plant, especially on the glumes of grasses. |
AxilThe angle between the leafstalk and the stem that bears it. |
Baby's Breathe |
BalsaminaceaeTouch-me-not Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 1,000 species of fleshy herbaceous plants that have toothed leaves and spurred flowers. The flowering plants may be annual or perennial. |
BasalAt the base or ground level. |
BerberidaceaeBarberry Family. Comprised of 14 genera and about 701 species of perennial herbs and shrubs. Many of the shrubs have spines or spiny-margined leaves and flowers are highly variable. |
Betulaceae |
BiennialRefers to plants that need two years to complete their life cycle. |
BignoniaceaeTrumpet Creeper or Catalpa Family. Comprised of about 110 genera and more than 800 species of trees, shrubs and, most commonly, vines. Members of this family usually have bright trumpet-shaped flowers in clusters, four stamens, a superior seed capsule containing flat winged seeds, no stipules and are mostly tropical woody climbers. |
BladeA leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole. |
BlotchPigmented spot with an indistinct outline or shape. |
BoraginaceaeBorage or Forget-me-Not Family. Comprised of 148 genera and more than 2,700 species. Frequently herbaceous and hairy and can be annuals or perennials. Members of this family usually have blue flowers in a coiled inflorescence, hairy stems and leaves, no stipules, and produces four seeds. |
BractA specialized leaf-like structure, from which a flower or flower stalk grows; some may be very small. |
Brassicaceae(formerly Cruciferae) Mustard Family. Comprised of 338 genera and about 3,700 species of major economic importance. They are usually herbs and can be annuals, biennials, or perennials. Members of this family usually have four petalled flowers in a cross shape, clusters of flowers, and a papery membrane dividing a two-chambered seed capsule. |
ButomaceaeFlowering Rush Family. Comprised of just one species, Butomus umbellatus. It is native to Europe and Asia and has become naturalized in temperate North America. |
CabombacaeaWater Shield Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 6 species of aquatic, herbaceous plants that live in still or slow-moving waters of temperate and tropical North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. |
CalyxThe sepals, collectively. |
CambaridaeFreshwater Crayfish Family. This is the largest of the four families of freshwater crayfish and is comprised of over 400 species. Most are native to the United States east of the Great Divide and Mexico. |
CampanulaceaeBellflower Family. Comprised of 84 genera and about 2,400 species of mostly herbaceous (woody), perennial plants. Members of this family usually have many showy, blue or white, bell-like flowers. |
CaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckle Family. Comprised of 42 genera and 890 species. Well known for its many ornamental shrubs and vines. Members are trees, shrubs, vines or herbs and recognizable by their opposite leaves. |
CapsuleA dry, splitting fruit that grows from more than one carpel, usually with several or many seeds. |
CarpelThe basic female unit of a flower that bears the ovules; several may be united to form a compound pistil. |
CaryophyllaceaePink or Carnation Family. Comprised of 100 genera and 2,200 species of herbaceous annuals and perennials. Most are cultivated as garden ornamentals or cut flowers for the floral industry. Members of this family usually have swollen leaf joints, simple undivided leaves, a calyx with five lobes, no stipules, flowers with four or five petals, white, pink or red flowers (rarely yellow, but never blue). |
CatkinA dense spike of many flowers with no petals. |
CelastraceaeStaff-Tree Family. Comprised of about 55 genera of woody vines, shrubs, and trees that are native to tropical and temperate zones. Fruit are typically colorful, leaves are leathery and flowers are small, with four to five sepals and petals. |
CerambycidaeLong-horned Beetle Family. Comprised of about 25,000 species of beetles whose common name is derived from the extremely long antennae of most species. |
ChannidaeFreshwater Perciform Fish or Snakehead Family. Comprised of 3 genera and more than 50 species of elongated, predatory fish. Characterized by their large mouths and long, single dorsal and anal fins. They are also able to breathe atmospheric air with the help of a pair of vascular cavities located near the gills. |
CharaceaeStonewort or Freshwater Green Algae Family. Comprised of 6 genera and about 400 species that primarily live in fresh or occasionally, brackish waters. Members of this family have large, macroscopic thalli that grow up to 120 cm long, branched, multicellular and use chlorophyll to photosynthesize. They are very fragile and release a foul odor when crushed. |
ClaspingWithout a stalk and slightly surrounding the stem. |
CleistogamousA type of flower that do not open and self-pollinates. |
CloneA group of plants that arise vegetatively from a single plant. |
ClupeidaeRay-finned Fish Family. Includes herrings, sardines, pilchards, shads, menhadens, and allies. Comprised of about 56 genera and 190 species that live in marine waters and many bodies of fresh water. |
Clusiaceae(formerly Guttiferae) Garcinia Family. Comprised of about 14 genera and about 800 species of tropical trees and shrubs. Many of which are important for their fruit, resins, or timbers. Members of this family usually have undivided leaves occurring opposite one another, glands on the leaves, five sepals and five petals, and many stamens. |
CobitidaeTrue Loach Family. Comprised of more than 200 species with most being native to central and southern Asia. Typical loach have very small scales and 3-6 pairs of whisker-like barbels around its mouth. They are hardy and usually nocturnal. |
ConceptDefinition |
ConvolvulaceaeBindweed or Morning Glory Family. Comprised of 59 genera and about 1,600 species that are widespread in both tropical and temperate areas and cultivated for their colorful, funnel-shaped flowers. Most are twinning and erect herbs, with a few woody vines, trees and shrubs. Members of this family usually have trumpet-shaped flowers with five fused petals, five stamens fused to the base of the trumpet, simple leaves growing alternately up the stem, and a superior ovary. |
CrawlerThe active stage of an insect immediately after egg hatch (first instar) found among certain insects in the order Hemiptera. |
CyperaceaeSedge Family. Comprised of 70-115 genera and about 5,000 species of grasslike, herbaceous plants. Member of this family have fibrous roots, triangular stems and three-ranked, linear leaves. Many species are annuals, especially those of weedy or seasonal habits. |
CyprinidaeMinnow and Carp Family. Includes minnows, goldfish, bitterlings, barbs, and carps. Comprised of about 220 genera and 2,420 species that live in fresh but sometimes brackish waters. They have pharyngeal teeth in 1-3 rows, some with 1 or 2 pairs of small barbels and range from 2.5 to 250 cm. |
DioeciousWith male and female flowers on different individuals. |
DioscoreaceaeYam Family. Comprised of 4 genera and 870 species of herbaceous or woody vines and shrubs, distributed throughout tropical and warm temperate regions. Member of this family have thick, sometimes woody roots or tuber-like underground stems and net-veined, often heart-shaped leaves that are sometimes lobed. |
Dipsacaceae |
DorsalPertaining to the top (back) of the fish. |
Dorsal Fin" |
DreissenidaeFreshwater Bivalve Family. Comprised of 4 genera of small freshwater mussels and aquatic bivalve mollusks that attach themselves to stones or other hard surfaces using a byssus. |
ElaeagnaceaeOleaster Family. Comprised of 3 genera of shrubs and small trees of the Northern Hemisphere. Plants have a characteristic silvery or rusty-colored sheen, produced by a covering a tiny, distinctive scales. Root nodules contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria. |
EmergentReferring to an aquatic plant that extends above the water's surface. |
EntireWithout teeth, as in a leaf margin. |
EricaceaeHeath Family. Comprised of 126 genera and about 4,000 species of shrubs and small trees. Many species are cultivated and thrive in open, barren land with acidic, poorly drained soils. Members of this family usually have woody stems, simple evergreen leaves growing alternately, clusters of flowers, flowers with 4 or 5 petals forming a tube or trumpet, stamens not attached to the flower tube. |
Fabaceae(formerly Leguminosae) Pea Family. Comprised of more than 700 genera and about 20,000 species of trees, shrubs, vines and herbs. It is the third largest plant family behind Orchidaceae and Asteraceae. |
FibrousContaining fibers. |
ForewingEither of the two front wings of a four-winged insect. |
FragmentationBreaking into smaller pieces; production of a new individual from a piece of the original plant. |
FulgoridaeLanternfly Family. Comprised of about 143 genera and 716 species of brilliantly colored, moderate to large sized insects. Some members of this family are characterized by a hollow projection on their head which resembles a snout. It is sometimes inflated, nearly as long as the body, long and upturned. |
GeraniaceaeGeranium Family. Comprised of 7 genera and about 800 species. They are typically herbs with spiral or opposite leaves and used in the production of essential oils and cultivated ornamentals. Members of this family can be annual or perennial, usually have blue, mauve, red, pink or white (not yellow) flowers with five petals, and a beaked seed capsule. |
GesneriaceaeAfrican Violet Family. Comprised of 147 genera and about 3,200 species of mostly tropical and subtropical herbaceous or slightly woody plants. Many of which are of economic importance as horticultural ornamentals. Members of this family usually have underground fibrous roots, tubers or scaly rhizomes, irregular flowers with five sepals and five petals, and produce many small seeds in a capsule. |
GlabrousSmooth, without hairs. |
GlandularHaving glands. |
GlaucausCovered with a whitish, fine, waxy powder that rubs off. |
GobiidaeGoby family. Comprised of more than 200 genera and 2,200 species. They are small, bony, carnivorous and primarily live in marine habitats. |
HaloragaceaeWater Milfoil Family. Comprised of 8 genera and 145 species of land, marsh, and water herbs with small leaves and small flower clusters. Flowers are usually unisexual, wind-pollinated, with three- to four- chambered ovary and a similar number of styles. |
HeartwoodThe dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber. |
HerbaceousReferring to a plant, with the stems dying back to the ground at the end of the season. |
HostOrganism that is being attacked by a parasite or a parasitoid. |
HydrobiidaeMud Snail Family. Comprised of over 260 species of very small, freshwater and brackish water snails with an operculum. Members of this family have a shell height of less than 8mm, are dextrally-coiled and smooth. |
Hydrocharitaceae |
HydrophyllaceaeWaterleaf Family. A small family with about 250 species that are annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Most are grown as ornamentals. Members of this family usually have blue or purple flowers, hairy leaves without stipules, and seed capsule containing many seeds. |
HygromiidaeLeaf Snail Family. Small to medium-sized air-breathing land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks. |
Inferior MouthA mouth located on the ventral surface of the head and oriented downwards. |
InflorescenceCluster or arrangement of flowers of a plant. |
InstarA phase between two periods of molting in the development of an insect larva or other invertebrate animal. |
InvolucreA structure that surrounds the base of another structure, often applied to a set of bracts below the inflorescence, as in asters. |
IridaceaeIris Family. Comprised of 66 genera and around 2,200 species. Most species are native to temperate, subtropical and tropical regions and a few grow in swampy locations. Mostly perennial herbs, though there are a few shrubs and evergreen herbs as well. Members of this family usually have bulbs or other storage organs, long, thin leaves, six petals in two rings, three stamens, and a seed capsule which forms behind the flower. |
KeelA relatively narrow and sharp ridge-like area of the ventral or dorsal surfaces or the sides of the caudal peduncle. |
Lamiaceae(formerly Labiatae) Mint Family. Comprised of 236 genera and more than 7,000 species. Most members are perennial or annual herbs, though some are woody shrubs. Members of this family usually have square stems, leaves in pairs up the stem, flowers in circles round the stem, flowers with hood at the top and lip at the bottom, and aromatic foliage. |
LanceolateLance-shaped, much longer than wide and tapering to each end. |
LarvalPertaining to immature stage of juvenile insects. |
Laterally CompressedA body shape in which the body depth is more than the body width. |
Leaf MarginThe edge of a leaf. |
LenticelA small, dot-like area of corky tissue on the bark. |
LiguleThe collar around the top of the sheath where it meets the blade. |
LiliaceaeLily Family. Comprised of 16 genera and 635 species of herbs and shrubs that are native primarily to temperate and subtropical regions. Members of this family usually have bulbs or other storage organs; long, thin leaves, six petals, six stamens, amd a seed capsule which forms inside the flower. |
LythraceaeLoosestrife Family. Comprised of 31 genera and about 650 species of trees, small shrubs and perennial herbs. Members of this family are characterized by the their petals being crumpled in the bud and the many-layered outer integument of the seed. |
MalvaceaeHibiscus or Mallow Family. Comprised of about 243 genera and at least 4,225 species of herbs, shrubs and trees. A number of species are considered economically important. Members of this family usually have large flowers with five unjoined petals, stamens and divided style protruding from the center of the flower, and a calyx of five parts with another false calyx below it. |
MarsileaceaePepperwort or Water-clover Family. Comprised of 3 genera and about 70 species of small aquatic ferns that root in mud or grow in shallow water. Members of this family are characterized by spore-bearing structures (sporangia) in hard cases (sporocarps) that are produced at or beneath ground level at the bases of the leaves. |
Menyanthaceae |
MISINMidwest Invasive Species Information Network |
MusaceaeBanana Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 50 species native to Africa, Asia and Australia. Members of this family usually have a pseudostem formed from the leaf sheaths, very large leaves, leaves with a thick midrib and parallel veins, separate male and female flowers on the same plant, flowers and fruit in dense bunches, and a fleshy fruit with several hard stony seeds. |
MytilidaeMarine Mussel Family. Comprised of 54 genera and about 412 species of small to large marine and brackish-water bivalve mollusks. |
Najadaceae |
NymphSexually immature form usually similar to the adult and found in such insects as grasshoppers and cockroaches, which have incomplete, or hemimetabolic, metamorphosis. |
OblongLonger than wide, with parallel sides, but broad, rather than narrow. |
OcreaAn ocrea is a membranous sheath around the stem where a leaf attaches. |
OleaceaeOlive Family. Comprised of 24 genera and about 615 species of woody trees or shrubs. Members of this family have four sepals, four petals, two stamens, and two fused carpets that form a single superior ovary. Many are cultivated for their beautiful and fragrant flowers. |
OppositeSituated directly across from; as in leaves or branches at the same node. |
OrbicularCircular in outline. |
OvipositionExpulsion of the egg from the oviduct to the external environment. |
OxalidaceaeWood Sorrel Family. Comprised of 5 genera and about 570 species of annual or perennial herbs, shrubs and small trees that are primarily grown as ornamentals. Members of this family usually have flowers with five petals, ten stamens in two rings of five, a superior seed capsule with five parts, and no stipules. They often have a fleshy aril to fling the seed from the pod and often have folded leaflets. |
PalmateWith subunits or lobes arising from a single point. |
PanicleA branching inflorescence or flower cluster that is broad at the base and tapers towards the top. |
PapaveraceaePoppy Family. Comprised of 44 genera and 825 species. Most are annual or perennial herbaceous plants but there are also some woody shrubs and small tropical trees. Members of this family usually have two sepals enclosing the flower bud, which fall off when it opens, four brightly-coloured petals, many stamens and a rounded seed pod forming inside the flower. |
PappusHairs, scales or bristles on the top of the avary and seed. |
PercidaePerch Family. Includes perches, walleyes and darters. Comprised of 11 genera and more than 200 species that prefer fresh and brackish waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Characterized by having a dorsal fin split into two which are normally separated or have a narrow connection. |
PerennialRefers to plants that grow consistently between seasons and do not require additional reproduction to continue growth. |
PerfoliateAttached through the underside of the blade near the base, as if passing through the leaf. |
PerigyniumSac-like structure encasing the female flower with a single ovary. |
PetioleThe stalk portion of a leaf. |
PetromyzontidaeNorthern Lamprey Family. Comprised of 8 genera and about 43 species. Characterized by their elongate, cylindrical shape, no jaw and a disk-shaped mouth. Nonparasitic species live exclusively in freshwater, while parasitic species live in both fresh and marine environments. |
PhyllaryAn involucral bract of flowers in the family Asteraceae. |
PinnateArranged in two rows along an axil, like barbs on a feather. |
PistilThe female organ of the flower, composed of an ovary, style and stigma. |
PithThe central tissue in a stem or root, surrounded by vascular tissue. |
PlumbaginaceaeLeadwort Family. Comprised of 10 genera and about 560 species. They are primarily annual or perennial herbs, shrubs and climbers. Members of this family usually have a calyx with five joined sepals, flowers in dense clusters, flowers with five petals, and a superior ovary containing one seed. |
Poaceae(formerly Gramineae) Grass Family. Comprised of about 800 genera and 12,000 species. It is the world's single most important source of food and rank among the top five families of flowering plants in terms of species numbers. They account for 24% of the Earth's vegetation. |
PolemoniaceaePhlox Family. Comprised of 18 genera and about 385 species. They are annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants but some are woody. Members of this family usually have five joined petals, five stamens, a calyx made of five parts joined into a tube, alternate or opposite leaves, a seed pod with three chambers forming inside the flower and sticky seeds. |
PolygonaceaeSmartweed or Buckwheat Family. Comprised of 48 genera and about 1,200 species. Most are perennial, herbaceous plants with swollen nodes but trees, shrubs and vines are also present. Leaves are simple and arranged alternately on the stems. |
Pontederiaceae |
Potamogetonaceae |
PrimulaceaePrimrose Family. Comprised of 58 genera and about 2,600 species. They are mostly grown as ornamentals and include annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, lianas and trees. Members of this family usually have winter storage organs, five petals joined in a tube, five stamens joined to the tube opposite the petals, calyx of five parts joined in a tube, undivided leaves, and a seed pod with one chamber forming inside the calyx. |
PubescentDescription of plants with hair-like growth, commonly found on stems and leaves. These hairs often provide protection against herbivores. |
RacemeA spike-like inflorescence, with stalked flowers arising from a central axis. |
Radial SymmetryHaving similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis. |
RanunculaceaeButtercup Family. Comprised of 62 genera and about 2,252 species. Members of this family are mostly herbs and usually have five coloured sepals instead of petals (except Buttercups), divided leaves, and non-woody tissue (except Clematis). |
RayA segmented flexible support element of the fins, often branched at the tip; a cartilaginous fish that is flatten dorsoventrally and usually has a whip-like tail. |
RecurvedCurved backward. |
RhamnaceaeBuckthorn Family. Comprised of 52 genera and 950 species of shrubs and trees. |
RhizomeA creeping stem that grows underground. |
Root CrownArea where the major roots meet the trunk or stem of a plant. |
Root SuckerA shoot that arises from a root. |
RosaceaeRose Family. COmprised of more than 90 genera and about 2,500 species. Many are of economic importance as food crops and ornamentals. Generally woody plants that are mostly shrubs or small to medium-size trees. Most are armed with thorns, spines or prickles to discourage herbivores. Members of this family usually have woody stems, often with prickles, or trailing stems with runners; simple or compound leaves, often evergreen, stipules at the base of the leaf, large flowers with five petals or clusters of tiny flowers with five petals, and many stamens. |
RosetteA cluster of leaves or other plant parts arranged in a circle, often at the base. |
RubiaceaeBedstraw or Madder Family. Comprised of 611 genera and more than 13,150 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees. Several species are of economic important as sources of useful chemicals and many are cultivated as ornamentals. Members of this family usually have many small flowers in dense clustered heads, leaves opposite or in whorls, stipules and an inferior ovary. |
RunnerA long, creeping stem, that roots at its tips and nodes. |
SalviniaceaeFloating Fern Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 16 species of floating aquatic plants. Members of this family usually have relatively short stems that appear dichotomously branched, sometimes lacking roots with leaves that are either alternate and 2-lobed with 1 lobe green and floating and the other submerged and white or translucent or in whorls of 3 with 2 leaves unlobed and floating and the 3rd submerged. |
SaxifragaceaeSaxifrage Family. Comprised of 36 genera and about 600 species of mostly perennial, herbaceous plants. Members of this family usually have opposite or alternate leaves, flowers with five unjoined petals, twice as many stamens as petals, and a small seed capsule containing many small seeds. |
ScaleEach of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another. |
ScrophulariaceaeFigwort Family. Comprised of about 65 genera and 1,700 species. Most are herbaceous, with a few shrubs and climbers and some are semi-parasitic. There are no crop plants of economic importance but is notable for many ornamental garden plants. Members of this family usually have opposite or alternate leaves, flowers in spikes, and irregular flowers with four or five petals. |
SepalOne of the divisions of the corona, the ring of structures surrounding the petals. |
SerrateWith sharp, forward pointing teeth. |
SessileWithout a stalk. |
SheathPlant part that wraps around another plant part. |
ShrubA woody plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground. |
SiliqueElongated seed pod. |
SiluridaeCatfish Family. Includes wels and glass catfishes. Comprised of 11 genera and about 170 species that occur across much of Europe and Asia. Characterized by a compressed body; adipose fin is lacking, an anal fin is very long and a short dorsal fin (often lacking) without a spine. |
SimaroubaceaeQuassia Family. Comprised of 25 genera of pantropical trees. Members have leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of a number of leaflets arranged along an axis. |
SimpleIn reference to a leaf, not compound. |
SolanaceaeNightshade or Potato Family. Comprised of 102 genera and about 2,280 species, many of considerable economic importance as food and drug plants. Members are annual, biennial or perennial and are usually herbs, though some species grow as shrubs or small trees. Members of this family usually have regular flowers with five petals, alternate leaves, five stamens attached to the corolla tube, and a superior ovary containing many yellowish disc-shaped seeds. |
SpikeAn elongate inflorescence with sessile or barely stalked flowers arising from a central stalk. |
SporangiaSac-like structures which store spores. |
SporeA small, usually single-celled reproductive body that is produced by non-flowering organisms including ferns and fungi. |
SporocarpA specialized structure in aquatic ferns whose primary function is the production and release of spores. |
StamenThe male organ of a flower. |
StemThe plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal end, roots |
StipuleOne of a pair of appendages at the base of a leaf. |
StolonAn elongate, creeping stem (above ground). |
StyletA small style, especially a piercing mouthpart of an insect. |
SubmergentGrowing under water. |
Subterminal MouthA mouth oriented and opening somewhat ventrally in which the upper jaw and snout clearly extend beyond the lower jaw. |
Supraterminal MouthA mouth where the lower jaw slightly projects beyond the upper jaw and mouth tends to open upward. |
TaprootThe main or central root. |
TerminalTip or end position. |
Terminal BudBud arising from the tip of a stem. |
Terminal MouthA mouth opening at the anterior tip of the head in which the upper and lower jaws are approximately the same length with neither one extending beyond the other. |
ToothedWith teeth, as in the margin of a leaf. |
Trapaceae |
TruncateEnding abruptly, as if chopped off. |
TuberA thickening of a rhizome, functioning as a form of food storage and/or for reproduction. |
TurionA small bulb-like structure. |
UmbelAn umbrella-shaped inflorescence. |
Vegetative ReproductionAsexual reproduction, in which new individuals develop from vegetative parts such as stem or root tissue, rather than seeds or spores. |
ViolaceaeViolet Family. Comprised of 23 genera and 800 species that are typically small, perennial, and herbaceous. Most species are shrubs, lianas or small trees. Members of this family usually have alternate leaves with small leafy growths, flowers like violets with five unequal petals and a spur, calyx of five parts, three part seed capsule, and may have cleistogamous flowers. |
VitaceaeGrape Family. Comprised of 12 genera of woody plants, most of them tendril-bearing vines. |
Watch List SpeciesThe invasive species included on a watch list are priority species that have been identified as posing an immediate and significant threat to natural resources. These species have either never been confirmed in Michigan or have very limited distribution or are localized. |
WhorledA group of three or more similar structures radiating from the same point or node. |
WoodyWith lignified cell walls; wood-like. |