Monday, 20 January 2025, 12:02 AM
Site: MISIN Learn
Course: MISIN Learn (MISIN Learn)
Glossary: Glossary


(Sapindaceae) Maple Family. Comprised of 2-4 genera and about 120 species. Species include trees, shrubs, lianas or herbaceous vines with simple, palmate, trifoliolate, or pinnate leaves.


Pine or Spruce Aphid Family. Comprised of 2 genera and about 22 species that are native to the northern hemisphere. Member of this family are covered with a dense woolly wax and only lay eggs.


Suppressing growth of a potential plant competitor by the release of toxic or inhibiting substances.


Amaranth Family. Comprised of about 175 genera and more than 2,500 species, mostly herbs and subshrubs. Members of this family can be annuals or perennials and commonly grow in saline soils. Characterized simple leaves and the presence of betalain pigment which causes the stems, roots, leaves or flowers of many species to be red in color.


Refers to plants that complete their life cycle within one year.


Paired sensory organs originating on the insect head.


To the front.


(formerly Umbelliferae) Carrot, Celery or Parsley Family. Comprised of about 434 genera and nearly 3,780 species of aromatic herbs. Members of this family usually have hollow stems, small flowers in umbels, flowers with five petals, and white, yellow or pink (not blue) flowers.


Dogbane Family. Comprised of 400 genera and about 4,555 species of trees, shrubs, woody vines and herbs. Members of this family usually have simple leaves, milky sap, a five part calyx, clusters of flowers, five large petals joined at the base and five stamens.


Growing in water.