African Oxygen Weed
Aquatic, submerged perennial that is a member of the Tape-grass (Hydrocharitaceae) family. This species is listed on the Federal Noxious Weed list and on the Michigan prohibited aquatic plant list.
Brittleleaf Naiad
Herbaceous, rooted aquatic annual that is a member of the Water-nymph (Najadaceae) family. It was first reported in the United States in the Hudson River in 1934. There was an intentional introduction into the Cayuga Lake, NY in 1935.
Carolina Fanwort
Aquatic, submergent perennial that is a member of the Water-shield (Cabombacaea) family. This species is listed on the Michigan prohibited aquatic plant list. Introduced as an aquarium plant.
Curly Pondweed
Submergent aquatic perennial that is a member of the Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) family. This species is listed as a restricted noxious weed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Eurasian Watermilfoil
Submergent, aquatic perennial that is a member of the Water Milfoil (Haloragaceae) family. Eurasian milfoil begins to photosynthesize and grow prolifically in early spring, allowing it to dominate an area and limit light available to other aquatic life. This species is listed as a restricted noxious weed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Flowering Rush
Perennial, erect, floating or submersed plant that is a member of the Flowering Rush (Butomaceae) family. Flowering rush occurred in the Detroit River as early as 1918 but has become a much greater problem in recent years. This species is listed as a restricted noxious weed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Giant Salvinia
Free-floating, mat forming annual or perennial that is a member of the Floating Fern (Salviniaceae) family. This species is listed on the Federal Noxious Weed list and on the Michigan prohibited aquatic plant list.
Purple Loosestrife
Herbaceous, perennial that is a member of the Loosestrife (Lythraceae) family. This species is restricted under Michigan law.